Winchester Elementary School | Winchester Elementary School
Winchester Elementary School | Winchester Elementary School
Meet our March Exceptional Student Award winners! Congratulations to Ella Adams, a sixth-grader at Fremont Middle School; Gene Chaffee, a fourth-grader at Green Elementary; and Grace Harris, a sophomore at Roseburg High School. These students were selected by their schools to be recognized at the March 8 School Board meeting. Each month, students are chosen by their schools to receive the honor. Students may be recognized for a variety of achievements and successes such as academics, community-mindedness, character, positive influence, and extracurriculars.
Here's what their teachers had to say:
Ella Adams is a motivated, caring, and respectful student. She always works hard and is a positive role model for her peers. Ella is exactly the type of student who exemplifies what Fremont is all about. One teacher reported that their favorite quality of Ella’s is her humbleness. She is extremely smart and capable, and yet will always be the first to ask a question when she is stuck. Being a great learner is not understanding everything right away. Being a great learner is the ability to be persistent in the pursuit of understanding and enjoy the path of reaching your goal. Ella is constantly showing everyone at Fremont what it takes to be a great learner!
Gene Chaffee is an exceptional student, and Green is excited to have the opportunity to celebrate him and all of his hard work. He is always eager to learn and has excellent participation in class. He is very responsible and consistently puts forth his best effort to succeed academically. Gene’s teachers and fellow students appreciate his positive attitude and consideration for others. Gene always has a smile, and more recently, a ready laugh with a joyous sense of humor. The growth that the staff have seen in Gene is unmatched, and they are honored to be a part of his academic journey. Congratulations, Gene!
Grace Harris is a 4.0 student who participates in Key Club, NHS and yearbook. She is also the team manager for girls basketball. Grace is a hard worker and cares about learning, a winning combination. Not only is Grace interested in completing all her course requirements in a timely and competent fashion, but she also goes the extra mile when she would do fine without teacher intervention. Her work ethic, easy-going nature, and ability to bring a smile to those around her make her a joy to be around. She is humble and conscious of how other students are feeling and is a positive influence in the classroom. She is a loyal, helpful friend to her classmates, and is quick to ask for help, even when others are timid. She prioritizes learning in preparation for her future.
Original source can be found here